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Arup Aims to Cut Time-to-Hire and Recruiting Carbon Footprint in Half Using Virtual Events


Arup is a design, professional services, and business consulting firm dedicated to fostering sustainable development on a global scale.

Through its partnership with Brazen, Arup has been able to engage with more quality candidates, faster, all while getting closer to their environmental goals .

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“Because we want to enhance people’s relationships and candidate experiences through virtual event technology, we’ll continue to take risks, innovate, and be pioneers in that space, creating new and better opportunities for engagement as we go forward.”

-Cheryl Petersen, Associate Principal and Regional Talent Resourcing Leader for Arup in the Americas Region

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Don't Take Our Word For It

Hear from real (and real happy) Brazen customers.

Brazen gives potential candidates an experience unlike anything they’ve ever had before! -Kerry Noone, CVS Health - Director of Recruitment Marketing and Advertising

With Brazen’s chat technology, we’re able to offer real-time access to KPMG leaders and recruiters. Candidates love it! - Eileen Raymond, KPMG - Executive Director, Experienced Hire Recruiting

Candidates no longer have to submit an application to start the hiring process and have a conversation with us. - Becki Feldmann, SSM Health - System Leader for Talent Management Systems and Technology