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Pre-qualify, screen and interview hundreds of applicants in hours instead of days.

Request a demo and our team will show you how Brazen's virtual hiring solutions save valuable time for high volume recruiting teams.

Brazen can help you source, screen and rate top candidates all while shortening your time to hire and decreasing your cost per hire.


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Brazen's virtual interviewing solution allows you to:


  • 1:1 Chat with Multi-Chat
  • 1:1 Audio/Video Chat
  • Group Video Booth
  • Video Broadcast
  • Networking Module
  • Open House & Expo Module


  • Schedule Chats with Top Candidates
  • Restrict Email Domains
  • Sophisticated Candidate Prioritization (SmartQueue)


  • 24/7 Live Enterprise Event Support (phone, email, Help Center and Live Chat)
  • Dedicate Account Manager
  • Custom Training & Onboarding


  • Event Promotion & Sourcing
  • BrazenBot


  • Enterprise Reporting & Analytics
  • Custom Registration Forms


  • Custom Landing Pages Designs
  • Custom Branding

"The biggest pain point that Brazen solves for Neiman Marcus is high volume hiring and getting through a large number of candidates quickly. We don't have any other technology that can get us through screening hundreds of candidates in just a couple hours like we do with Brazen."

Neiman Marcus Group 

Carolyn Attar, Director of Marketing, Ecomm and Retail Recruitment

“Brazen technology allows candidates to have that sense of confidence. To have a connection with somebody up front, to help them navigate what sometimes can be a convoluted application process.”


Colin Lyle, System Director of Talent Acquisition

“We’re always on the go, but having that Brazen chat bot running in the background of our computers guarantees that when candidates have questions, they’ll come straight to us for instant responses and help. Sometimes, having that general first conversation takes the place of a screening call, which we can manage right from the chatbot itself.”

Hamilton County Schools

Jerica Johnson, Talent Acquisition Manager for Elementary Schools and Diversity Initiatives

“Another big value of virtual events is that we’re reaching populations that we couldn’t reach in person. The value is definitely just the fact that we can reach a much broader global audience now. That’s not just a benefit for us; it’s for the employers and also for the job seekers themselves.”

Hiring Our Heroes

Mona Dexter, Chief of Staff & Senior Director of Operations and Communications

“Brazen is such a powerful tool for us. We’ve been doing a lot of work on our candidate journey. We’re able to message candidates differently based on where they are in the process.”

Charles Schwab

Brad Hettinger, Talent Sourcing Advisor

Source The Best Candidates From Anywhere in The World

Brazen's Sourcing Marketplace promotes your open roles for you, to the right people, so you can focus on screening and interviewing. 

  • Tap into new talent pools that you're currently missing
  • Access diverse candidates to further your DEI initiatives 
  • Scale up your hiring efforts without adding manual effort
  • Get more hires spending less time on sourcing
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Source The Best Candidates From Anywhere in The World

Brazen's Sourcing Marketplace promotes your open roles for you, to the right people, so you can focus on screening and interviewing. 

  • Tap into new talent pools that you're currently missing
  • Access diverse candidates to further your DEI initiatives 
  • Scale up your hiring efforts without adding manual effort
  • Get more hires spending less time on sourcing
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Spend Less Time on Virtual Recruitment & Increase Speed to Hire

Traditional virtual hiring processes require hours of screening, phone calls, and video interviewing per candidate. With Brazen's virtual interviewing solution, you'll save time for candidates, recruiters and hiring managers by:

  • Quickly and easily move top candidates from screening to interviewing with Brazen's handoff feature
  • Pre-screening attendees with custom knock-out questions, resume uploads and more
  • Screen and interview multiple candidates at once with Brazen's multi-chat feature
  • Organizing your hiring event so candidates connect with the right people on your team

Spend Less Time on Virtual Recruitment & Increase Speed to Hire

Traditional virtual hiring processes require hours of screening, phone calls, and video interviewing per candidate. With Brazen's virtual interviewing solution, you'll save time for candidates, recruiters and hiring managers by:

  • Quickly and easily move top candidates from screening to interviewing with Brazen's handoff feature
  • Pre-screening attendees with custom knock-out questions, resume uploads and more
  • Screen and interview multiple candidates at once with Brazen's multi-chat feature
  • Organizing your hiring event so candidates connect with the right people on your team
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Share Information With Video Presentations

Brazen's recruiting solutions let you deliver important information to many applicants all at once. With Brazen's live video broadcasting functionality, your virtual hiring process can include:

  • Presentations that cover the organization's core values and cultural mission 
  • HR presentations that go over company benefits and answer questions in a live discussion feed
  • "A Day In the Life" presentations that highlight different roles and functions 
  • Panel presentations that feature key team members


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Share Information With Video Presentations

Brazen's recruiting solutions let you deliver important information to many applicants all at once. With Brazen's live video broadcasting functionality, your virtual hiring process can include:

  • Presentations that cover the organization's core values and cultural mission 
  • HR presentations that go over company benefits and answer questions in a live discussion feed
  • "A Day In the Life" presentations that highlight different roles and functions 
  • Panel presentations that feature key team members


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Offer Candidates a Connection to Recruiters 

Brazen's QuickChat feature offers candidates the option to connect with a recruiter using live chat on your website or job pages.

  • Capture information from those who would like to learn more about the role or organization
  • Answer commonly asked questions about the position and address any candidate concerns
  • Get email notifications when candidates ask a question and respond when most convenient 

Offer Candidates a Connection to Recruiters 

Brazen's QuickChat feature offers candidates the option to connect with a recruiter using live chat on your website or job pages.

  • Capture information from those who would like to learn more about the role or organization
  • Answer commonly asked questions about the position and address any candidate concerns
  • Get email notifications when candidates ask a question and respond when most convenient 

Brazen Can Save You Time and Money on High Volume Hiring

Give your recruiting team the power to hire faster with fewer resources. Brazen’s intuitive design, mobile-friendly interface and easy-to-use features are designed to optimize the high volume recruiting process.