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Brazen-P5-Houston Methodist-Case Study-v3A

Houston Methodist makes 150 hires!

Even one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world is not immune to the talent shortage. Learn how they use Brazen to meet and exceed their hiring needs in this 2-page case study.


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Even the fourth largest city in the U.S., Houston, can’t keep up with the demand for nurses. And the crunch on nurses isn’t just isolated to your mid or lower tier hospitals. Even one of the most prestigious hospitals in Houston, a hospital that has treated multiple members of the Bush family and which boasts a strong employer brand, isn’t immune to the nursing talent shortage sweeping the U.S.. That is, until they turned to Brazen.

Brazen-P5-Houston Methodist-Case Study-v3A


To give themselves a fighting chance at finding top talent, Houston Methodist decided to take its talent discovery beyond the great state of Texas. But trying to scale your talent acquisition efforts beyond the state comes at a cost, both to recruiters and to candidates. Just think, trying to meet candidates in person requires travel, time, and resources. Trying to maintain a strong employer brand and a seamless candidate experience becomes equally arduous the further you deviate from homebase. Yet Houston Methodist was able to reverse the script by using Brazen’s online events and chat platform.

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Brazen gives potential candidates an experience unlike anything they’ve ever had before! -Kerry Noone, CVS Health - Director of Recruitment Marketing and Advertising

With Brazen’s chat technology, we’re able to offer real-time access to KPMG leaders and recruiters. Candidates love it! - Eileen Raymond, KPMG - Executive Director, Experienced Hire Recruiting

Candidates no longer have to submit an application to start the hiring process and have a conversation with us. - Becki Feldmann, SSM Health - System Leader for Talent Management Systems and Technology