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The Ultimate Guide to Hosting a Virtual Career Fair

Everything you need to know about hosting a successful virtual job fair is in this eBook. This step-by-step guide will share best practices for companies, universities, and organizations planning an online hiring event.


What's In the Guide?

Many organizations are turning to virtual events to meet their recruitment needs. Virtual career fairs had already been gaining in popularity prior to the pandemic, and they are poised for continued growth. Virtual career fair platforms have evolved to meet the pressing needs of today’s recruiters, and should be a component of a company’s overall recruitment strategy even beyond COVID-19. If your organization or university is planning to host a virtual career fair, follow these 7 steps to make your event a success...

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Learn how making the switch to virtual events can save your team time.
Discover how to set up virtual career fairs that improve the candidate experience.
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Learn how to promote your event to top talent and how to follow-up the right way.