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Brazen-P5-Sentara-Case Study-v4

Sentara Health makes 118 hires!

Finding top talent is only half the challenge for Sentara Health. They also must do so efficiently. Learn how they use Brazen to efficiently find healthcare talent in this 2-page case study.


Download Sentara Health Case Study



One of the biggest problems for a large hospital system is slightly different than for most. Yes, there is a squeeze on the number of candidates available to fill all the open jobs. But the problem for a hospital system like Sentara Health runs deeper. For Sentara, the problem is also about efficiencies. How do I connect the right candidates to the right jobs? And how do I do it efficiently? Fortunately for Sentara, Brazen’s conversational recruiting platform addresses both.

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When you have lots of job types you are trying to hire for, keeping track of all your candidates can be difficult. That is, unless you design a system where candidates have a way to frequently engage with the right recruiters for the right jobs. And that is exactly what Sentara has done.

More specifically, Sentara offers candidates the opportunity to chat with the actual recruiters that are hiring for that job. There is heavy promotion of this fact right on their career site. And so a licensed physical therapist job seeker can sign up for a scheduled chat with the actual recruiter hiring for a licensed physical therapist. And that chat can happen today, or tomorrow, or whenever that job seeker has time.

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Hear from real (and real happy) Brazen customers.

Brazen gives potential candidates an experience unlike anything they’ve ever had before! -Kerry Noone, CVS Health - Director of Recruitment Marketing and Advertising

With Brazen’s chat technology, we’re able to offer real-time access to KPMG leaders and recruiters. Candidates love it! - Eileen Raymond, KPMG - Executive Director, Experienced Hire Recruiting

Candidates no longer have to submit an application to start the hiring process and have a conversation with us. - Becki Feldmann, SSM Health - System Leader for Talent Management Systems and Technology