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The Transit Recruiting Resource Toolkit

Data, insights, and actionable advice
Cover Transit Recruiters Resource Toolkit


What's In the Toolkit?

Meeting the demands of the transit workforce shortage means finding ways to improve the candidate experience, speed up the process, and appeal to the next generation of transit workers. This toolkit provides helpful tips, data, and practical tactics you can use immediately. Plus, it shares the insights and advice of transit recruiting experts in a recent webinar recording, as well as research insights and recommendations on how to innovate your hiring process to meet today's challenges specific to transit recruiting.

Submit the form above to get the full toolkit.

Get data and insights into the state of the transit workforce shortage, as well as recommendations on how to address is.
Access a recording of an expert transit recruiting panel webinar to hear exactly how other recruiting teams are addressing today's challenges.
Learn how to attract Millennials and Gen Z with virtual recruiting events by providing a mobile friendly experience, offering a more accessible process, and more.