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Virtual events help the University of Tennessee Foundation connect with Alumni and stay under budget

Learn how the UT Foundation partners with Brazen for alumni connection. Download the case study now!


Download the UT Foundation Case Study

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 “There’s no way on earth my budget would’ve been able to reach that audience (on a Brazen event) if I were doing in-person events.”  - Melissa Smith, Director of Alumni Marketing and Special Events at University of Tennessee Foundation

Download above to get the full case study.


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Brazen gives potential candidates an experience unlike anything they’ve ever had before! -Kerry Noone, CVS Health - Director of Recruitment Marketing and Advertising

With Brazen’s chat technology, we’re able to offer real-time access to KPMG leaders and recruiters. Candidates love it! - Eileen Raymond, KPMG - Executive Director, Experienced Hire Recruiting

Candidates no longer have to submit an application to start the hiring process and have a conversation with us. - Becki Feldmann, SSM Health - System Leader for Talent Management Systems and Technology